Friday, April 23, 2010


Crystal and me spend Wednesday in Branson. She needed a bridesmaid dress. And, we found 2. She is having 1 altered as I write this. But, what I found were the cutest dresses for summer! It's a good thing I didn't go with cash. I would have come back busted! But, I think I will be making a trip back asap!
 I want them all, and would wear the everyday! I also discovered there is a store called Justice! It sells clothes for girls between 7-12. Is that not awesome?! Justice is all excited about it! It's a little more expensive than I would usually like, but she getting to the age where that matters. And, we want het to feel good about herself. Then she can be even more confident!!


  1. I love me some summer dresses! Those are so pretty!

  2. I know! I love halter dresses now. It's so 70's. They were $40. But, I'm sure they would be worn many, many times. So, it's worth it, right?
