Monday, June 21, 2010


So, it's quiet. J is playing DS with Kaleb. Clinton will be home in a few hours. Everything is clean and tidy. What to do with myself? New stuff on blog? What a good idea, pat myself on the back.

 Clinton took this pic a few mornings ago. He was using for a painting he was working on. I love it. I had just woke up, my make-up was smeared....and I look like I had a hard night behind me. High concept photos. Awesome!! And, not because it's me!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Loooong Night

Justyce actually made it until almost Midnight last night! And, now she is tired and cranky and it's only 2 O'clock! She may go to bed a little early tonight! I worked on my blog for awhile. I like the orange much better. It makes me happy! I can't figure out the comments though. I don't know where they are. I think I'll sign out and try to leave one for myself. If not, I'll worry about it later. I need a shower!!! I really am not a summer girl!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010


I've been sitting here staring at the computer and realize I can't remember the last time I was on here. I also came to the realization I don't like it. I don't like the colors or the format. I like the music......which I updated a few days ago. To fit my mood, of course!! Clinton will be gone tonight, and J wants to stay up late. She'll be out by 10, I'm sure!!! But, I may stay up, and change some things. 
I'm been feeling quite philosophical lately. Things change. That's my big epiphany. Whether you like it or not. People, weather, your figure, the road your on.....all you can do is fight to keep it the same (just about impossible in my experience) or change with them. In the end, change is probably a good, no, a great thing. Even if you don't want it. Sometimes you have to take a big step back to see what you missed standing up close.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Our New Life

veggies Pictures, Images and Photos
So, we have so many changes coming up in the next month. Clinton has his tattooing, and the new job he will find, I'm sure before we move. We will be in a new house on June 1st, back in Mountain Home. Once his hours are set, I'll be job hunting for overnight hours. There are several places in Mtn Home open 24 hours. And, on top of all that, we are making dietary changes. Monday, we go vegetarian, and the, vegan. 
I can imaging what people will say. I can't believe it myself. I never thought Clinton would give up bacon! This is not a diet. It's a lifestyle change. We are getting all the no-no's out of house this week, so week can start fresh. Justyce, of course, will still be eating about the same. I'm thinking of taking her off of pasteurized milk and cheese, and switching her to soy. I will be talking to her Doctor first, but I think that's one of the reasons for her stomach issues. Soy may help clear that up. I'm hoping to get us on a mainly raw foods. About 70-80%. There are so many options if you choose to give up meat and dairy. And, you don't miss any of the vitamins, and nutrients you need for good health. 
For Clinton, I think, will be no Mountain Dew, and donuts! I have to give up Coke, and sour cream. I put sour cream on everything!! I have no doubt if the stuff isn't in the house we can do it!

Friday, April 30, 2010


We rented Avatar. The #1 movie of all time. It's been 5 days. We still haven't finished it! 3 times we have sat down to watch it. Twice I almost fell asleep! Don't get me James Cameron movies, and sci-fi. T2, Aliens, even Titanic, all great movies. Avatar? Not so much. Good story, amazing special effects, but that's not enough to hold my attention. The best thing about this movie is Giovanni Ribisi. Another under-rated actor. The other 2 hours was just ok. I don't get it.


So, it's been an interesting week. It's been disrespectful, and rude, and I'm not sure how long I can keep the tide of words from breaching the shore. I go out of my way to be nice, polite, respectful of other people. Their space, opinions, themselves as a whole. And, what do I get in return? People in my space, in my life, in my business. When did this blatent disregard for other's  become ok? To put it nicely, if I don't ask you what you think, I probably don't want to know. And, to be honest, I don't care. The only people I listen to, and actually CARE what they Clinton, my Dad, and Crystal. 
It occurred to me this morning I have trash talked some people recently. And, maybe I shouldn't have. But, I also realized I'm being trashed just as badly. Because as it turns out, your life is never your own. It's entertainment for others to comment on, and THINK they know what goes on behind the closed doors. No one knows what goes on in this house, but us. 
Clinton and I talked before he went back to the tattoo shop. A lot. About how many hours, what days, the stress, what I would do with him gone so much, should I go back to work, everything. And, WE made those choices. Anyone on the outside looking in, should never assume to know what is said in private between a couple. WE are good with our lives, so everyone else can but out.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I am worried about Penelope. She was fine when we left this morning to do laundry. But, since we've been back, she's walking like she's in pain. She's thrown up, and I had to put her up on the couch, because she couldn't get up there herself. Since Clinton left, she hasn't moved off the couch. If she isn't any better by tomorrow, I think she may have to go to the vet. She likes to eat sticks out of the yard, and that is what scares me!


me quotes Pictures, Images and Photos

me Pictures, Images and Photos

Don't Judge Me Pictures, Images and Photos

All About Me Quote Pictures, Images and Photos

Saturday, April 24, 2010


I've changed my play list again. I keep trying to make the perfect arrangement that I can listen to whenever I'm on the computer, or reading a book. The trouble with that tastes change from day to day, week to week. Last week it was rocker girls. This week guys and guitars and some Appalachian bluegrass thrown in. I don't like to be limited! It's also so for anyone that happens to click on my blog, and maybe discover someone, or a song they have yet to discover. I know it's something I enjoy. So, I change my songs often. Some I've listened to over and over and have yet to tire of them. Others I have recently heard and can't seem to get out of my. I'm sure it will change again in the next few weeks. As I sit here typing this, I can already think of a few more I'd like to add! I believe that's what I'm going to do!


Again? Really?

Soooooo.......we are thinking about moving. Back to Mountain Home before the next school year begins. I hate the idea of moving...but, I understand why Clinton wants to be out from under his boss. Justyce wants to go back to her old friends. The girls here aren't very nice. But the school is excellent! She has a 4th grade reading level now! I'm in the middle. I like the house. I love the size of the yard. Penelope can run, and never get too close to the road. The living room and kitchen are so big, and the fireplace will all be hard to give up. We have a whole extra room for the kids to play in. Don't know how we'll adjust to less space. Then there's the amount. Why do people think their houses are worth $800 a month? Seriously? Rent is taking out here before taxes, so he gets more on his check. That's nice. We have to have a fenced in yard, or P.P. will run off the first chance she gets.
It seems like we should just tough it out and stay here. But....I know we'll all be happier in town. We are far from all the things we enjoy. The library, wal-mart, where we like to eat, the park, Crystal and her kids. And, Clinton will be working at the Mtn. Home shop before too long, and it would save gas and time if we lived there. I think I've decided. Back to Mtn. Home! Hopefully, before the end of summer!

Friday, April 23, 2010


Crystal and me spend Wednesday in Branson. She needed a bridesmaid dress. And, we found 2. She is having 1 altered as I write this. But, what I found were the cutest dresses for summer! It's a good thing I didn't go with cash. I would have come back busted! But, I think I will be making a trip back asap!
 I want them all, and would wear the everyday! I also discovered there is a store called Justice! It sells clothes for girls between 7-12. Is that not awesome?! Justice is all excited about it! It's a little more expensive than I would usually like, but she getting to the age where that matters. And, we want het to feel good about herself. Then she can be even more confident!!


Yay me! I finally picked a winner! Seth Aaron won last night on Project Runway! His clothes are amazing! I wish I was 10 years younger, and that's what I would be wearing!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Next Top Model?

Raina is as close to a favorite as I will get this year. She won't win, but she should.

Project Runway

Project Runway began it's season finale last night. I'm not a fashionista. But, I know what I like, and, I think, know what is fashion forward. But, I always seem to root for the person that comes in 2nd! My fave this time around? Seth Aaron. He is innovative, edgy, modern, and very punk rock! Maybe not clothes I would wear, but one's I WISH I had the balls to wear!


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Flowers in Our Yard


Since we now have a digital camera, we have a lot of pics. I've taken a lot. Some our slightly blurry, which I actually like in some of them. The rest are just for fun, not too look amazing. 

J's Pics

Justyce loves to take pics as much as her dad does. I think it's cute. Maybe she'll get a kids camera for Xmas.


Sunday is my day with Justyce. We made a crumb cake for Daddy. Played on the computer, and spend most of the afternoon outside. J had a picnic in the shade with some of her toys. It was nice to have time to relax with my baby.


Like most Saturdays, it was me, J and Charis and Logan. It was the first time there were no fights, no arguing. It was a nice, quiet day!